One thing Mitchell Scholars learn early on is that connection to the broader Scholar community is a sure-fire way to receive #morethanascholarship.
The tale of how Mitchell Scholars Jordyn Miller (left) and Sage Works recently met up in Glasgow, Scotland, is a case in point.
It begins with how Miller chose to respond to an email from Mitchell Institute Scholarship Associate (and Mitchell Scholar) Adam Thibodeau, checking in to see if Miller could attend Gala on Friday, Oct. 20. In conveying regrets, Miller, the 2020 Mitchell Scholar from Bangor High School and senior Animal and Veterinary Sciences major at the University of Maine, mentioned that she couldn’t make it because she’s at the University of Glasgow as part of FEEPASS, the Facilitated Early Entry Program for Animal Science Students.
“I am beginning their five-year veterinary medicine program a year early with this program,” Miller said. “This first year is considered a study abroad, and then I will continue here for the remaining four years!”
Spying an opportunity to broker a meeting between two Scholars who are 2,800 miles from home, Thibodeau emailed back, asking Miller if she would be interested in connecting with Works, the 2022 Mitchell Scholar from York High School and second-year Genetics major at the University of Glasgow.
After an enthusiastic “yes!” Thibodeau bridged the pair via email. A week later, the new classmates got lunch together on their shared campus—proof that serendipity can be one of the unspoken fringe benefits of being a Mitchell Scholar.