Do you believe in the transformational power of higher education and have a passion for helping Maine’s young people reach their full potential during their college years and beyond? Are you committed to increasing the likelihood that young people from every community in Maine will aspire to, pursue, and achieve a college education? Do you have a passion for using technology to organize and optimize data? Are you skilled with developing and managing systems and processes to realize efficiencies?

The Mitchell Institute welcomes applications from proactive systems-oriented individuals seeking to become the Operations Manager at Maine’s premier higher education scholarship organization. Learn more about the opportunity to organize and manage the Mitchell Scholarship application process and provide administrative support to the Mitchell Institute team by exploring the links below.
About the Mitchell Institute
Through nearly three decades of experience and evidence-based research, we know that student success in college depends on more than money. Additional support and guidance during college increase Mitchell Scholars’ chances of attaining a degree, finding meaningful employment in Maine, and strengthening their communities long after college. The Mitchell Institute offers Scholars a broad range of wraparound supports and resources during and after college to help them hone leadership skills, find and pursue career exploration opportunities, and develop networks that are vital to finding satisfying and purposeful work.